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Blessed Samhain! 

Writer: BelBel

Hello, lovely Soul Drop!! How are you feeling? Today most people celebrate Halloween dressing up and going around asking for candy. Many years ago this celebration was called Samhain.

It represented the time where the veil between worlds is thin and the souls of the departed come back into our realm. They used to use skins of animals to make masks and scare off the evil spirits! This would make their souls clean and ready for the arrival of winter.

Today I like to remember this beautiful celebration to bare my soul and scare off my own fears and demons. I feel happy because I remember that after the long harsh winter, spring will come and the world blossoms once more!

The ancient celts remembered how shadows and darkness are part of our life and learning how to handle them is essential to be truly happy. This month I experienced a lot of dark moments in which I thought I would die but now I feel stronger! I'm ready to bare my soul to the freezing winter and embrace that darkness before light and spring return.

Today let's dance in the darkness, let's be brave enough to face our darkest parts and believe that we will be alright. Let's celebrate together the constant change of time! Let's celebrate our human nature and enjoy all night.

With much love, Bel )0(


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