Hello, lovely Soul Drop!
How are you feeling today? I’m in a weird tired but active state right now…so yes. Let’s jump into today’s topic! As I said yesterday I wanted to talk about how to help someone who is suicidal whether that’s you or someone you love.
In the past I have not only wanted to throw the towel as we say in my country but I also literally tried to choke myself with it! I struggled with depression besides developing other self-harming behaviors. This is why I want to offer as many help as I can so no one feels alone in a situation like that. Of course, I’m NOT a professional and my first tip is to actually look for professional help.

And what later? Here are some things that can help you feel better while you work with your therapist.
1. Get some sunlight! I know that when you’re suffering from depression all you want to do is curl up in a dark room and stay there but getting some sun rays on your skin will actually help you feel better. You have to push yourself a bit to do it but it will be worth it!
2. Talk about it with someone you trust. Besides talking with your therapist taking a moment to share your emotions, thoughts, and fears with someone you really trust in will help you feel supported and that you’re not alone in this battle. Be honest about it and if they freak out, be patient. These topics are never easy to talk about!
3. Spend quality time with people you love. Again, you won’t feel like you want to do this but if you push yourself a bit and do it you’ll start to feel better. Remind them how much you appreciate them and try to truly connect to them! Lack of connection leads to further depression.
4. Start talking to yourself nicely. Just imagine you talk to your best friend like you talk to yourself, would they still want to be your best friend? If the answer is no then you must change this until you can say yes! Placing nice notes for you on the mirror or on your closet door will help you start talking in a sweeter tone to yourself.
5. Check-in with yourself and keep track of your achievements no matter how small they are. Maybe it was getting out of bed and maybe it was talking with your friend, you made an effort! Write it down so when you feel like you haven’t advanced at all you have proof to prove that negative thought wrong!
"You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the firs step" Martin Luther King Jr.
6. Take baby steps! No change happens overnight, you must be patient with yourself. Kindly remind yourself every single day that you’re taking one step at a time solving one little task after the other.
7. Keep a journal! This will help you see how have you been feeling and will allow you to pour your emotions into paper making them more manageable. In this journal try to also add the things you’re grateful for so you start getting a more positive view of your life.
8. Do vent art! This is one of my favorites. Each time I wanted to hurt myself I would write a story about it, they came out gory and unpleasant but made me feel better and stopped me from harming myself. Any kind of vent art is good! It doesn’t have to be pretty; it just has to help you let it all out.
9. I recommend an app called Youper which helps you keep track of your emotions and talks with you about them to help you improve your mental health.
10. Allow yourself to be vulnerable. I know it's scary! But people care more about you than you think, let them know how much you're hurting. You'll see most people will want to help even if they don't know how.

Recovering from suicidal tendencies and depression takes much more than just therapy and medication, we have to work to get better. It takes time and even if you feel like you want to live again your mind got used to a certain train of thought so you might trigger your suicidal tendencies without realizing it. Don’t feel bad! It’s not that you’re not getting better, you are. It will happen less and less, be patient.
I hope this was helpful either for you or for someone you love, do you have any tips you wish to share? I’d love to read them! Please share this if you think someone might need it. You’re not alone!
With much love,