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How I became a warrior

Writer's picture: BelBel

Hello, Lovely Soul Drop!

People wonder how can I be an Empath and not be a liberal or a leftist in the social justice warrior sense. Actually? It’s quite logical. The social justice groups like Antifa or BLM are looking for are not based on kindness. They are based on the search for power and control, not the wellbeing of others. However, most liberals DO want a better world. That’s how they are being manipulated so easily.

How do I know this? Well, I was a liberal myself. When I was 13 I was extremely concerned with everyone’s emotions. I wanted to save the world, and I didn’t want anyone to suffer. I was a depressed Empath with little to no emotional stability or emotional intelligence. A.K.A. The perfect target for manipulation.

When I heard people’s emotions had to be protected I agreed right away. I didn’t know how to protect my own, and I could feel the huge amount of suffering others were going through. I still can feel it as if they were my own feelings, yet something has changed in me. I have grown. I now know that I’m responsible for protecting my own emotions and I’m in no way responsible of anyone else’s happiness. I have to take care of myself in order to be able to help others.

My desire to help was born from pain and fear, now it is born from kindness and understanding. I wanted to shield myself and the world so we would be safe. Instead, I was avoiding self-growth and pitying others as well as myself. As I once tweeted, the worst kind of racism is the racism of low expectations. I had terribly low expectations for myself and anyone else. That’s why I developed a savior complex. I needed to be saved, and so did others.

Truth is? I saved myself. I have experienced all kinds of suffering and pain, yet here I am. I was stronger than I thought. So are you. That’s when I understood “facts don’t care about your feelings” didn’t mean I didn’t care about others, it meant that as much as it hurts I can’t change reality to make me feel better. If I failed a test, I failed the test. If I wasn’t good at sports, I wasn’t good at sports. Reality wasn’t going to accommodate to my emotions just so I could feel better.

I stopped searching for safe spaces once I understood the best safety method is to develop emotional intelligence. Learning how to take care of myself and stand on my own two feet was the key to always feeling safe regardless of where I was. You wanted to think I was straight when I just told you I’m bisexual? Fine by me. You think I’m inferior because I’m Latina or a woman? I don’t care. I know who I am, so I won’t give power to meaningless words. They are just that. Insults of someone who needs to attack me to feel better about themselves.

A teacher of mine once told me that if I saw a butterfly too weak to come out of the cocoon, the kind act was to allow them to struggle. If you help them out, they die. Same goes for Herman Hesse Demian’s egg. If the force comes from outside it kills, if it comes from inside it gives life. The kind act with a student who struggles is not to give them the key to the test, it’s to help them study better. True kindness is giving someone the tools to fend for themselves, not to teach them to hide and be scared of other people offending them.

I have witnessed firsthand what a paternalistic government that takes care of the people does to a country. Instead of prosperity you will get misery. It was never about helping you. It’s about taking control over you. If I teach you how to fend for yourself, you won’t need me anymore. They can’t allow themselves to lose you like that. They need you to suffer so they can console you. They need for the problems they fight to solve to exist forever so their existences make sense. That’s why the fight will never be over. They aren’t kind. They are controlling.

That’s why I reject any ideology that sees me as a victim. I’m a warrior, I’m strong, and I know others are far more capable than I ever gave them credit for. You don’t need me to save you. I know you can save yourself.

Thank you so much for reading!

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