Hello, Lovely Soul Drop!
A wonderful friend of mine asked me how he could be more confident, and that’s something I have asked myself many times! I’ve realized that confidence is all about practice, knowledge, and a bit of faith. Let me give you 3 simple (or maybe not so simple) steps to become more confident.

1. Practice: Why is a performer confident in what they do? Why is a professional confident in their work? Practice, practice, and more practice. When I give a speech I’m the most confident after I have gone over it and exposed it in front of the mirror before going in front of a crowd, same goes for the solos I have sung at Church or at my university. We all have insecurities! First spot them. For example: I’m insecure over my self-image, so I practice saying nice things to myself until I feel that’s normal. Find your insecurity and adopt the practices or activities that will help you solve them.

2. Knowledge: The best source of information is experience, the more you practice the more experience and knowledge you’ll have. However, what’s knowledge if we don’t use it? Learn from your experiences so you get better at being confident. What makes you feel anxious? Find a solution and practice solving each situation. What makes you feel insecure? Do the same! Gather as much useful information as you can and then slowly use it in your favor. You’ve got this!

3. Faith: I’m an Atheist myself, so I didn’t usually speak about faith. Turns out, we all have faith. We all believe in things without having proof of it. I believe the future can be bright and beautiful, I have no proof of that but the thought calms me down. Maybe you’re not who you wish to be just yet, but having faith in that you can be will help you transform into that version of yourself. I didn’t think I deserved love, even if I had all the proof I needed of it, so I just have faith in that I do until I can fully feel like I deserve it. It’s all part of the process! Believe in something that will make you feel serene, even if you have no proof, it will help you while you practice and gather knowledge.
I hope this was helpful!! Remember everything in life is a process; we all can become confident people. You just need time, patience, love, and kindness.
The episodes of last week:
Let’s Connect Monday: https://anchor.fm/bellemoon99/episodes/Lets-Connect-Monday-31---Da-de-Muertos-eltjk1
Let’s Be Kind Thursday: https://anchor.fm/bellemoon99/episodes/Lets-be-Kind-Thursday-30---Peace-meditation-em2h2q