Hello, Lovely Soul Drop!! I missed you so much!!
It’s been a whole month and two days since my last post here! I felt like it was more, but I’m back to give you 3 simple reasons to start again.
1. What you learned while you were resting will help you:
Whether you stopped exercising, writing, drawing, or something else you might have left aside, you can use it to your advantage. You might have stopped your project, but you didn’t stop having experiences. Did you meet a new friend? Did you overcome an obstacle? What have you learned these past few weeks? Anything you learn regardless of what it is can be used in any of the areas of your life. When I learned to dance ballet I learned so much more than a few moves. I learned discipline, I learned to accept criticism, I learned to work hard, and I learned to observe others so I can improve myself. All of those lessons can be applied to anything I want to do in life.
2. You gained perspective:

Although starting over can be hard, especially after you lost the habit of doing something, you have gained perspective with your break. Stepping back from a project can allow you to look at the bigger picture, to gain a wider perspective, and the capacity to analyze your project from new angles. Sometimes we stop doing what we love because we are overwhelmed, we got too close, and we need space to breathe. Now that you have rested, that you have learned, and you want to get back on track, you’ll be able to do so more effectively.
3. You can always come back home:
Our projects are like our homes. We put into them a lot of effort to keep them clean and to maintain them. We love our homes, they are the place we always go back to, and they make us feel safe. However, sometimes we need a break! We need to see the world, take our minds off them, and allow them to wander around. A little wanderlust never harmed anyone, if anything, they inspire us to become better at what we do.
I hope those 3 reasons inspire you to take back a project you had left behind, I’m super happy to be back, and I’ll try to be as consistent as I can with my posts.
Thank you so much!!