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Am I a writer?

Writer: BelBel

Updated: May 11, 2020

Hello, Lovely Soul Drop ! How are you? I'm a tad frustrated because I was writing here and when my phone turned off on its own...I lost everything. Good thing the ideas are still in my head!

Alright! So, who should call themselves a writer? Should I be giving writing advice? I said I was going to give it here...but never did.

At first, I thought the obvious answer was "If I can't remember which one is the noun and which one is the verb between advice and advise, then no!" But now, after I read the chapters of a friend's book...I thought about it again.

What makes us writers? Words! (Duh!) But, not any words! The words we choose to express our inner worlds, the words we choose to say "I love you", the words we select from our vocabulary to allow the world to peek inside our minde and souls...those words, make us writers.

Maybe I'm not a bestseller, maybe my books don't have thousands of sold copies...but I'm still a writer. I'm learning, I'm growing, I can only offer what I've learned so far! And I'm going to do it. Why? Because that's what writers do.

We write because we have something to say, we may say it ourselves or our characters speak for us. We are warriors, we try to conquer ourselves with our words every single day. We are brave, we bare our souls to the world so someone can relate to us, so we can communicate, so we can connect...and touch someone's heart. We all have something to say and we all hope for someone to listen. The ideas that are inside of us are too alive to let them die silent! So we word them out.

I'm a writer, I have always been. I plan to keep writing my story, not only with my words but also with my actions. My skills are not perfect, I need to improve my grammar, my redaction, everything! But hey, we're all learning right? I'll try to give my clearly-not-from-an-expert advice hoping I'll be able to help someone. That's what I can for now, and that's okay.

Thank you for reading this, and if you are a writer...thank you for writing!

With much love,



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