Hello, Lovely Soul Drop!!
It’s been two months since I last wrote here and a month since I last published my newsletter. Last year, I had goals for each month along with an unshaken motivation to push forward. This one? Well…I’ve been stumbling around trying to find a North Star.
Today, I’m doing way better. I have the goals for April, plus a clearer path ahead of me! We don’t have to wait until New Year’s or even Monday to get our lives back together; we just need to make the choice. As you can see I’m not an expert on anything. Am I a psychologist? Nope. A coach or some sort of messiah? Not even close. I’m learning day by day how to build the life I want. Should I continue to write my blog and newsletter? Should I continue to record my podcast? I believe so.
I may not have some secret no one else knows of and maybe I’m just an average woman, but I hope that through sharing my journey someone else might relate and get some inspiration. I’m just a 23-year-old that wants to learn, improve herself, and become a better human being. Thanks to finding places online where others are trying to do the same; I realized that I’m far from alone in this. Many others are making a huge effort to be better than they were yesterday. That is incredibly inspiring.
The left, the right, and the center are full of people who want to force others to think the way they do. Extremists, and Authoritarians, are everywhere. Mental illness, stress, polarization, radicalization, ignorance, and so on can make us feel trapped or lost.
However, I can assure you we aren’t. A lot of people see how the religious conservative right can be as insane as the radical left. People who believe that they have the absolute truth, the higher moral ground, and the right answers while never listening to others are the poison of our society. Even places that are made for people who claim to hate echo chambers will happily box you without getting to know you.
I’m going to keep working! I know it’s hard, life is hard, but I’m a warrior. We can all choose to be warriors rather than victims. What does it matter that some people are too arrogant to realize they don’t know it all? A lot of others are working to learn and be better. Real life is not Twitter or Discord. Out there most people just want to go on with their lives. I believe most people want a better world and to be left alone. I can’t control what others do, so I’ll focus on what I can control.
My life is in my hands even when sometimes it feels like I don’t. I want to continue motivating others, inspiring others, and connecting with others who wish to accomplish their goals. Everyone starts somewhere, so I’ll keep sharing with you, and I hope you’ll keep sharing back with me.
Thank you so much for reading!
With much love,
Newsletter: https://open.substack.com/pub/bellemoon99/p/my-issue-with-outside-validation?r=1oq7q4&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email
Podcast: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/kpV7cZ6DOyb