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Cultivate your garden

Writer's picture: BelBel

Hello, Lovely Soul Drop! How are you? How was your week? Mine was a tad hectic! My 92 year old grandmother fell and fractured herself and I became a published author (everything during the course of 24 hours, yikes). I am exhausted, but I'm also very grateful! I realized I'm cultivating my garden correctly.

Sadly, no. I'm not talking about a literal garden, but this garden is way more important than any other! This garden is your mind and you must cultivate it properly. What does a garden need? Basically: water, sun, your time to take care of it, pesticides (that don't harm the environment and can protect your precious plants) and of course lots of pretty plants! What does that have to do with your mind?

Your mind needs: rest, time for you to take care of it, beautiful plants, sun, water, pesticides, and pretty much the same a garden needs! I won't explain the resting part since that is a topic for another day. Let's detail the rest!

Sun: In this case I refer both to the literal sense of the word (you need sunlight in order to stay mentally and physically healthy! ) and things that as the sun can brighten up your day! Look for activities that engage your body and your mind that can energize you!

Water: Once again you need both literal water (drink now if you haven't!) and also things that can refresh you and relax you. A relaxing shower, a nice hot bath, a day at the pool, diving into the ocean...and even diving into a calming activity such as yoga or meditation can be the water your garden needs to stay healthy and full of life!

Beautiful Plants: Although a deep connection with nature will surely bring you happiness, in this case, these beautiful plants are the relationships in your life. Relationships must be cultivated with love and care, if done correctly they will grow strong and healthy. Beware! Not everyone is a nice plant, some are even toxic or poisonous so be careful which plant you allow inside your garden. Remember, if you pay attention to something you help it grow!

Pesticides: As I mentioned before, not everyone is a beautiful plant you want to cultivate in your life. Some are plagues, they destroy you and drain you from all happiness. For those you need pesticides! Self-love, self-respect, boundaries, and courage are the best pesticides to keep your garden fruitful and filled with life!

Are you ready to cultivate the best garden ever?

These are the podcasts of the week:

With much love,


2 comentários

Reyadh Rahaman
Reyadh Rahaman
08 de jun. de 2020

Sorry to hear about your grandma. :( I hope she is doing alright.

But I am happy to hear about you getting published! Congratulations!

Tending to your garden must have paid off :D

06 de jul. de 2021
Respondendo a

It always does!

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