Hello, Lovely Soul Drop! How are you? Watching society on Twitter or on a comment section, we might think extremists are the majority. Lately, or maybe not so lately, I have noticed how extremists are always the loudest. They refer to others as being within a cult and act like cultists themselves. Virtual signal when they are doing the same things they condemn or worse. I don't speak as an expert, but these are the things I have realized about extremists that you might notice as well:
1. When faced with facts they simply ignore them: Not long ago, I was discussing with a woman online why I don’t call myself a feminist. I showed her the official numbers of male deaths in dangerous jobs in her country, and she ignored the statistics while attacking me personally. Extremists repeat the narratives they know like parrots and regardless of how much you try to reason with them it’s like talking with a wall. My advice? When you see that they blatantly ignore reality to create their own distortion of the facts to accommodate their beliefs…walk away. Or run, preferably.
2. They are LOUD: Most people don’t need to repeat and shout from the rooftops what they think. They are able to talk about everything and anything without fixating to a specific point of view. Extremists take each and every opportunity they can to yell at you how their views are the right and only ones. They make a fuss out of the smallest things no one would even think about and they will make sure everyone knows about it. If you think most people are extremists? Don’t worry. They are actually a loud minority. Most people are able to stablish relationships with people that disagree with them and not force you to walk on eggshells.
3. They have low emotional intelligence: Extremists are not able to have mature relationships and have very low self-esteem. If you disagree with them on politics, religion, or anything else they will take it as a personal offense and are unable to understand good people can have different points of view. They vilify whoever thinks differently and will find small disagreements as huge aggressions. Their value is not on their hands; they have placed it on the mob mentality. If others don’t agree with them they feel angry and violated. Many narcissistic people tend to become extremists with their beliefs.
4. They are very similar: If you take one of this SJW that believes in a thousand genders think hating women is OK and will cry about micro aggressions all the time claiming they are anti-racist and take a racist religious misogynistic extremist…they are extremely alike. They both yell their views, both think they are right and morally superior, they will virtual signal, and will ignore actual facts or logical reasoning. Both extremes are equally as wrong and both hurt others.
5. They value mob mentality over individual reasoning: Extremists tend to surround themselves with people who share all of their views and create echo chambers in which they hear back the same things they believe. These echo chambers reassure them they are right and anyone who might challenge their views is kicked out of their lives.
Extremists and fanatics come in all shapes and forms. The world is filled with them! What none of them understand is that balance is super important to have a healthy view on life. I tend to be one of them, to be an extremist. My personality disorder has made my brain search for black and white views, so I used to be an extremist myself.
Obviously, my extremist views never helped anyone and made me a very toxic person to be around. No one could make me see what I see now. When you wake up, you do so on your own! So don’t try change anyone’s mind especially if they are extremists. I have matured and changed with experience, self-reflection, and therapy. I still need to learn many things and I’m the furthest from wise you’ll ever find. Still, I know I can be a winner and I have high hopes for the future.
I want to thank Blaire White, Gothix (@GothixTV), Ruined Lenon (@Leon2Ruined) , Lauren Chen, Styxhexenhammer666, Michelle (My thoughts will probably offend you), SomeBlackGuy, and all the people who dare to speak up and think independently. I don’t always agree with people, but I recognize people who value individual reasoning over mob mentality.
Thanks for reading! These are the two latest podcast episodes:
Let’s Connect Monday: https://anchor.fm/bellemoon99/episodes/Lets-Connect-Monday-53---Find-your-way-e10kaqs
Let’s be Kind Thursday: https://anchor.fm/bellemoon99/episodes/Lets-be-Kind-Thursday-54--Thanks-e10q35n