Hello, lovely Soul Drop! How are you doing? How was your week? Mine was a bit hectic but I survived! Now a new week starts and I'm ready for it!
Today I had an amazing day with my mother and husband, I truly enjoy sharing with them. Regardless of both being the people I love the most in my life, we have had many issues in the past due to my incapacity of sharing how I truly felt. What do I mean by this? If something bothered me I would become withdrawn and tear up silently without explaining them what was on my mind or why I was acting like that.
My mom would get pissed off real quick while my partner is more understanding and tends to be more patient. Nevertheless, those bad times could have been avoided if I had communicated my emotions clearly.
How can we do that?
1. Take a few deep breaths: When you're upset you don't think clearly so in order to be able to analyze your emotions you need to calm down a bit first.
2. What do I feel?: Sometimes we don't say what we feel because we don't really know what emotions we are experiencing. Take a few minutes to study your feelings and identify them.
3. Why do I feel like this?: Great! Now you know what you feel but maybe you don't know why you're feeling that way. Think of what could have triggered that emotion, this is something that needs practice so if you don't find it don't feel bad. It's perfectly normal.
4. Explain kindly: People around you don't read minds, you have to explain what's going on inside your head. Start by telling them what you feel and if you have the cause say it. Try to be gentle while explaining to your loved ones why you're upset and remind them that you know they love you and don't want to harm you.
5. Ask for patience and kindness: To avoid causing the opposite reaction, dare to be vulnerable and explain that you need patience and kindness. You feel upset, you feel hurt, you need their support. Be straightforward so they realize more than angry you are hurt. This will help them feel more open to helping you feel better.
Remember loved ones are still humans so communicating our emotions clearly is the best way to solve our problems quickly and effectively.
With much love,