Hello, Lovely Soul Drop!
How are you? How are you feeling? I have to be honest with myself and tell you I’m a little irritated and frustrated. The hormones, combined with the pain, and the stress of our daily lives, might make us a little on edge. Suddenly even a random post online can fuel your anger! We become defensive, we think everyone is out to get us, we feel like we’re doing everything wrong, and soon we’re about to scream.

Hey, that’s alright! I think even Siddhartha himself cursed when he hit his toe with a table. Anger, frustration, and irritation are all human emotions. As humans, we’re bound to feel them. What can we do to handle these emotions in a healthy way that won’t hurt us or others?
See anger like a fire: We have all felt that heat spreading across our chest and even making our palms turn red. Anger makes our hearts beat faster; our body is preparing to battle the enemy. How can we handle these flames safely?
1. What caused the fire? There’s always a reason for us to feel any emotion. If you’re upset, you want to kill someone else or maybe yourself, and you’re just…angry. Ask yourself why. It might be that you haven’t had enough sleep or that you’re hungry. Maybe you had planned how things would go down in your head, and nothing turned out to be as you expected.
2. What can I do to turn it down or blow it off? When you know why you’re angry, it’s much easier to look for a solution. It might be getting more sleep or eating something to feel better. It might be accepting you can’t control everything around you, and sometimes we get whacked out of the road. Breathe and remember, you’re not perfect, no one is! Stop trying. Sometimes, unexpected turns in our way can lead us to wonderful new paths! Keep your eyes, your mind, and your heart opened. Use the fire you feel as a light to guide you, not to burn you alive.

3. Don’t throw fuel into the fire! This one might be obvious, but I’m still telling you about it. If you know you’re upset, then don’t get involved in activities that might worsen how you feel. Please be mindful of what can worsen your mood and avoid it at all costs! I have been the super angry one that boom! Decides to have a fight online. Nu-uh! Not a good idea!
Anger is one of our core emotions. We have to learn how to live with those flames as we have learned to live with fire. I adore fire, it’s so beautiful! It keeps us warm, it cooks our food, and it gives us light in the dark! Just as this element can be positive, anger can also be used for good. Transform your anger into art, into an exhausting work out session, into a piece of poetry! You can use anger to motivate yourself to improve your life or the world around you. Just find out the root of the issue, and you’ll be able to grow so much, thanks to this emotion we have misjudged as negative all these years.
Thank you so much for reading! Here are the podcast episodes of the week:
Let's Connect Monday: https://anchor.fm/bellemoon99/episodes/Lets-Connect-Monday-25---Connect-with-your-happiness-ej9lha
Let's Be Kind Thursday: https://anchor.fm/bellemoon99/episodes/Lets-be-Kind-Thursday-23---Its-OK-not-to-be-OK-ejq1m4