Hi, lovely Soul Drop!
Wow, it’s September already! The year is almost gone, summertime is over and the leaves are about to fall again. First of all, congratulations!! You’ve made it this far, with your ups and downs you’re here right now. I’m so proud of you, I know it isn’t easy.
Now, I’ll tell you why this time of the year is my favorite! I like to think of September as the beginning of the end and a perfect time to start preparing myself for change. Just like ancient Celts along with many other cultures used nature as a guide to their way of life I take the example of the trees in Fall and allow myself to strip my soul.

This year join me in this process of letting go before winter comes and finding our right path again so we can create the change we want in our lives. To properly accomplish this we must be very aware of ourselves so let’s start with these questions:
1. What have I learned so far this year?
2. Am I closer to where I wanted to go?
3. What do I regret?
Why did I choose these questions? Although you could make many more these three have an important meaning.
With the first one you get to look back at the year that has passed but isn’t over yet, giving you a chance to either feel good about what you have learned or maybe realize you need to change some things. Remember to be gentle with yourself as you reply to every question.
The second one reminds us of our North Star, all of us have a path and somewhere we’re headed at. While making yourself this question you can see if you’re taking the right steps or maybe even realize you have no idea where you wish to go…and that’s okay. It can also be possible you understand the destination has changed, that’s also okay!
The last one might seem a bit harsh or out of place with the others but as we think of the months that have passed and where we would like to be we might find out that we have some regrets, whatever those might be, take them in compassionately. We all make mistakes and they actually can help us shape ourselves! Our emotions teach us a lot, especially those which hurt. If you feel like you regret something then analyze why. Find out the reasons and choose a course of action to fix it.
Now you’re ready to start allowing your leaves to fall and prepare for the new birth of life that comes every year! I hope this helped you and that we may learn together from this.
With love,