Hello, Lovely Soul Drop ! Today I want to share something I learned thanks to my extremely conservative family. When my grandmother and mother (my father had died by then) found out that I'm not only bisexual but also decided to become a mix of Buddhist, Taoist, and Wicca witch...well, let's just say they weren't happy at all.
Those clashes between us happened 8 years ago already! I have grown a lot and when it comes to my mother she has done a lot of growing too. My grandmother? She is 92 years old and grew up in a small town of Venezuela...she is very ignorant. She believes many things that are absolutely wrong! But I love her, with time I realized I will never change her mind and she's just a parrot repeating what people in her time believed. So, why fight? Changing what we have thought for years is hard, even painful, and some people don't have the capacity for those insights.
My mother being younger and I have to say it...smarter, she has made an enormous effort in understanding who I am and changing her way of thinking as much as she can. She is 40 years older than I am! My country is extremely conservative as well, most people are Catholic in an old school way. I have found many people who struggle with their beliefs being challenged which is natural, but I also found many people who even if they didn't agree with me they became amazing friends of mine because they respect me and show me they are worth my time !
I learned what "Let's agree to disagree" really meant! I learned what topics not to touch with certain people and that even though my family and I disagree in many things important to me, they love me and honestly want the best for me. When I need help or support, I can always count on them.
If someone isn't toxic with you, they respect you, and they show you that they really care...then maybe agree to disagree can save many important relationships !
This month is Mental Health Awereness month! I'll post about it throughout these weeks! Remember, only people who are healthy for you should stay in your life.
Here's a link to a podcast episode that relates to one of the many things I have learned by being different : https://anchor.fm/bellemoon99/episodes/Lets-connect-Monday-11--What-my-disorder-taught-me-edkagr
With much love,
You're very brave to confront your family about these things. I respect the courage it takes try and make a difference. My family is from a small town in Guyana and they have the same kind of ignorance. South America during the time my parents grew up is so different than modern-day Canada. I still try my best to talk WITH them and not AT them. Thankfully, they and I get along most of the time. XD
Nice article! :D