-“Bye mom! I’m late!”-Kyra yelled towards the kitchen where her mother was still cooking.
-“Won’t you have breakfast with me? Don’t be out too late, dear!”-her mother replies giving up the idea of convincing her daughter to stay home a bit longer, she was used already to her constant rushing.
Kyra’s violet eyes scanned the village of her birth, the same orange rooftops and the same brown walls, she thought they were so boring she would prefer to jump inside a book and live an adventure of her own. Clearly, she didn’t know how to do that...yet. The thought of her teacher made her smile bright and quicken up her pace, she was running so fast the girls who gossiped nearby the fountain had to hold their skirts down with flustered expressions.
Finally she made it to the huge house at the end of the village, aside from the size there was nothing particular about her teacher’s home, at least not from outside. After avoiding slamming into the door she comes inside announcing her arrival enthusiastically, nothing made her happier than being surrounded by the crystal butterflies which fluttered around her creating a beautiful bell-sounding melody, the magic mirrors and the thousand books ordered in a complete mess “They have an order, you just don’t get it” her teacher would tell her if she complained about their organization.
-“Kyra, what have I told you about running all the way here?”-
- “But, Serytia!! If I hadn’t done that my body would have exploded from an overdose of excitement!”-
Serytia laughed gently shaking her blonde head, her big blue glassy eyes were filled with appreciation for her student, she had lost her family a long time ago so she was like a niece for her.
-“Today is the day I officially start my training as a witch, right?”-
- “Indeed, although...first you must find magic”-Serytia half whispered slowly, dragging the words.
- “What?”-
- “To become a witch you need magic, look for her”-
- “How do I do that?!”-
- “That, my child, you must discover for yourself”-gracefully turning her back to her student she left the room, her cinnamon and vanilla fragrance lingered in the air as Kyra stood there in shock, how on Earth would she find magic if she didn’t know anything about it? As she gets lost in thought Manana stands as a vague iridescent figure in the air.
- “I’m here...can’t you see me? Why is that I can never catch up to you?”-magic mumbled in pain, she truly wanted to be Kyra’s friend.
- “I know! I’ll ask around! I’m sure I’ll find someone else who wants to tell me!”-Kyra exclaimed rushing out of the house. Manana looked around the house one more and whispered again.
- “Their crystal songs and the rainbows on the mirrors...I love them, oh! There she goes again!”-
The young apprentice walked quickly from house to house frantically asking anyone willing to answer. Most of them simply waved her off or gave her short replies, she had to admit most of them wouldn’t be able to recognize magic if it presented itself before their eyes.
-“Darling! Where are you going now?”-Jack asked cheerfully.
Kyra turned to the sound of her beloved’s velvety voice, her eyes sparkled with joy and she quickly kissed him.
- “I’m looking for magic, sorry but we can’t hang out today”-
- “Well that isn’t hard to find, you’re magical!”-
- “Aw that’s really sweet but I really must hurry, I must keep looking! Bye now!”-her words stabbed Manana right on her glimmering chest, she gasped and followed her still. Jack stood frozen, the flowers that he gifted her with a tender voice she always ignored.
-“Kyra!! We’re going to watch the stars tonight, are you coming?”-Amaya asked her best friend excitedly.
- “Jack is coming too! He’s bringing his father’s most delicious pie and I’m preparing my world famous lemonade!”-Kei, her other best friend, added with a candid smile.
- “I’m sorry guys but I’m busy looking for magic! Maybe another day!”-she quickly threw the words which were taken away by a greedy wind that blew them far away from her friends. Manana was already panting at this point, her translucid figure thinner and weaker, desperate she decided to use all of her energy to appear in front of the girl in all her glory.
- “Kyra!! Please stop!! I…”-
-. “WHY IS EVERYONE DISTRACTING ME TODAY?! I CAN’T TALK!”-her voice seemed to pierce through Manana’s body making her drop on the ground. The apprentice stormed away from magic who was looking at her with two clear waterfalls.
- “But Kyra I’m…I’m magic...”-
For the first time in her life she simply stops running, the night had fallen and she felt the air bite at her skin with cold teeth. Suddenly weeping came up her throat and she sobbed, she cried so much she dried up inside. Then, her violet eyes slowly looked up at the sky and the stars marveled her. In the quiet, all of the things around her seemed mesmerizing and new. In front of her Manana appeared.
-“You are...oh no, I yelled at you”-
-“It’s not me who you should apologize to, I believe the people who truly love you are waiting for you to stargaze with them...enjoy it”-Manana’s smile was filled with compassion, they hugged with happiness flowing out in tears. That was Kyra’s best night, my daughter and her became close friends as later on Kyra became a powerful witch. How do I know? My name is Time.