Hello, Lovely Soul Drop!! Happy New Year!! How are you feeling?? I'm excited for 2023. I'm creating my Fiverr account to work as a beta reader, book reviewer, translator in English-Spanish, and ghost writer. Stay tuned on my social media to know more! I'm also adding a Buy me a Coffee. I truly hope this new year brings all the best for you and your loved ones.
Here's a short story on abuse, hope, and change. Let me know what you think!!

-"I can't stand this anymore! Good luck!"-the prior owner of the house yells at us and leaves us the key.
-"Well, that was awkward…"-I mumble turning to smile at my girlfriend who's, once again, checking her phone.
-"What are you doing standing there? This is heavy!"-she snaps. She's just in a bad mood…
-"I'm sorry, dear"-
We finally have our own place! This next year will be amazing. It's all coming together.
-"Carry all the bags inside, will you? And be careful with my things! Last time you broke my laptop"-
I should get the things in the trunk now. My shoulder has been hurting, but I shouldn't complain. "Be a man, Daniel" the words of my mother ring in the back of my mind.
Huh? Was that…no. That's impossible. I'm probably just tired.
-"He was such a sensitive kid. Right? I'm glad you have toughened him up a bit!"-my mother tells Carla while we have dinner.
-"I know, right? He's not the same crybaby anymore! Right, sweetie?"-she smiles at me from across the table.
Naturally, I'm alright with these comments. After all, I did cry too easily as a kid. Lately…I haven't been able to sleep much. The tears sting my eyes as I sit in front of a blank document every single night. There's also…the strange things. I'm sure I'm going insane…
-"Hello? Are you even paying attention?"-Carla snaps.
-"I'm sorry! I'm just tired"-
-"Why? I'm the one who brings money to this house"-
-"Is he still working on that useless novel of his? I'm so sorry. Daniel! I raised you to be a real man. Don't worry, you can come back to work for me on Monday"-
-"Oh my God! Would you do that for us?"-my girlfriend beams.
-"Anything for you!"-
Their laughter fades into the background as my mind dozes off again.
-"I'm going to be gone for a few days. Will you survive without me?"-Carla teases. She pulls me into a hug and kisses me.
-"I'll try"-I joke back.
-"Take care of yourself, alright? Bye! I'll miss you!"-she waves goodbye and enters her car.
Finally, I'm all alone. Maybe now I can get some writing done!
What was that? I…how long have I been typing away? It's dark already.
Did I leave this light on? I don't remember that…
Crash. What the hell?! The glass fell and shattered…but…how? I'm just tired. I need to sleep.
Did I leave this book here? I…what?! No…no way.
My eyes stare at the message in the mirror. It looks like someone wrote with their finger on the fogged surface.
I won't hurt you.
This can't be real. I'm insane…I'll just go to sleep.
-"Hmm…how long has it been?"-I sit up still dizzy from what happened with the mirror.
-"I won't hurt you…I promise"-
-"What the heck?! Who are you?!"-I scream at a woman standing in front of me. She's so pale…why is she wearing a robe? Is that…blood?!
-"Please, don't run away. I have been gathering the energy to do this. I'm called Anna"-the woman speaks gently. For some reason…I trust her. I know I shouldn't, but there's something about her that makes me feel calm.
-"Anna…alright. Can I help you somehow? I don't even understand what's going on. Maybe I'm just imagining all of this…so…what can I help you with?"-
-"You're so sweet, but I wanted to help you…"-
-"Help me?"-
-"Yes…I'm so sorry about Carla"-
-"What about her? Is she alright?"-
-"She is, but you're not. She's horrible to you…I can't stand it anymore. You don't deserve that! No one does"-
I know she's right. Still, I look away.
-"She's just short-tempered"-
-"It's far more than that I…"-
-"I know! I know, alright?! I know…I just…I can't run away. I'm a man. A real man!"-
Her tender eyes widen and she steps back shrinking. Is the blood on her clothes brighter? She…she's covered in bruises.
-"I'm sorry…I didn't mean to yell"-
-"T…that's alright"-she whispers looking depressed. Great. I hurt her. My eyes are stinging…not again! Don't cry, Daniel! Stop it!
My breathing becomes ragged. I'm so dizzy.
-"Daniel! Are you alright?"-she hovers above me.
-"I…I'm just tired. Tired of pretending. Tired of the abuse. Tired of everything! Why am I even alive? I shouldn't be. I'm a waste of space. I'm worthless. I'm…"-
-"Stop!! No…don't"-
Is she…crying?
-"I know. Real men don't cry. Real men are strong…"-
She shakes her head so hard I'm afraid it will fall off. It could…right?
-"I want to show you something. Will you let me?"-she offers me a translucent hand. I don't know why…but I take it.
Huh? We're still in the same room, but it's different. Anna signals to the scene in front of me.
-"Why are you crying?! I'm tired of your laments! You don't let me sleep at night. Don't you know I have to work early, you worthless bitch?"-a man hits a woman across the face. Anna…is that her while alive?
-"I'm sorry…I'm sorry"-she whispers between sobs.
-"It's been a year already! Get over it!"-he screams and slams the door behind him.
-"He was always angry at me. No matter what I did…I thought it was my fault. I had various miscarriages…so I blamed myself until one day it was too much"-her voice is full of agony. I shiver as we return to the present.
-"It wasn't your fault…"-
-"It's not yours either. It's normal for a woman to cry after losing a child. It's normal for a kid to cry when he lost his father, when his cat dies, it was never your fault…you were never broken. They broke you. They broke…us. Please, don't go down the same path I did. The pain trapped me here…you have to leave, leave for the both of us"-she embraces me tightly, and I allow her ethereal figure to hold me.
Anna Winters 1960-1986
I leave the roses I gift her every month on top of her grave.
-"She must have suffered so much…"-Emily wipes a tear from her face. I hold her close to me full of joy.
-"She did…but she saved my life"-
-"I'm so happy she did! You're amazing, Dan…oh no! Are you alright?"-
-"I'm just so happy to be with you"-I cry from happiness, and her sparkling eyes make me laugh at the same time.
-"You're adorable! I love you"-
-"I love you too, and I love you little, Anna!"-I speak to her pregnant belly, making her laugh.
-"She will love you too. We're both so lucky to have you in our lives!"-
As we walk away from the grave I look at Anna waving goodbye. She's no longer covered in blood or bruises…she's free.
We both are.

Did you like it?? What did it make you feel or think? Let me know!!
Thank you so much for reading!!