Hello, Lovely Soul Drop! Happy Valentine’s!! Today I decided to write a short story and share it with you.
-“Got it!”-I yell as I land my last quad of the choreography, the step sequence is next. Almost there, almost, yes! I nailed it.

-“Liv! That was wonderful, my little ice faery”-Dixie smiles leaning on the railing. I skate back at her and peck her lips.
-“I think I’m ready for the competition”-I step out of the ice and start my cool down. She takes more pictures of me while rambling about how awesome I am.
-“Oh!! This one will get you sooo many likes!!”-she holds her phone up like a trophy. I can’t help but chuckle and hug her tight. She leans her head on mine allowing me to relax in her embrace.
-“I don’t care about the likes; I just care about being with you right now”-my voice drops to a whisper. My body feels heavy, maybe from practice?
After I shower we walk out together, her hand tightly clasped around mine. Tomorrow’s competition lingers in the back of my mind. I’m still young, but not for a skater. Huh? Wonderful, it’s raining.
I laugh hard as Dixie pulls me and we run together under the crying clouds. So glad we’re home. Our cat Onyx greets us with an angry chirp that causes me to laugh, and Dixie to yell “d’aaaw” and pick him up.
-“We should get a hot shower and change clothes, I can’t get sick”-
She pops the last phoneme and offers me a warm smile. The smile that says “I know you feel bad, but I won’t pry about it. Tell me when you’re ready”. Olivia, don’t cry now…she has done so much for us. Let’s just enjoy the night, tomorrow will be another day.
No!! No way!! How did this happen?! Dixie…? Where is she?
-“Liv, we’re super late to the competition! Here is a sandwich and I’ll just eat after. I’ve got your costumes. Sorry I didn’t wake you up earlier, I forgot my phone when I went to the store and thought I could give you a few more minutes of sleep”-my partner’s words come out almost drowning her.
-“My love…”-
-“Let’s go! We still have time to get there!”-she yanks me out of the bed. Alright, alright, I’ve got this. Already dressed, thanks to her reminding me I was going to leave naked, I eat in the car as she drives.
She avoided a car that was out of their lane and curses in her native language. I look at her clenching my fists.
-“You should do your bun, dear”-
-“But…alright”-I start working on my hair as she drives us towards the highway. The cars zoom by; the street seems to be pulsating with our anxiety. Come on, Olivia, take deep breaths. We’re almost…what?!
-“¡Maldita sea!”-she hits the wheel letting out a visceral growl. The road we had to take to get to the competition is blocked by an accident. This can’t be happening.
-“Vixen, sweetie…”-
-“We can still get there! I know a shortcut!”-she exclaims, her smile looks like the Madhatter’s right now. I grip on my seat as she veers the car and looks for another route. I can see the bones of her knuckles as she holds the wheel for dear life. Time’s up…we’re not going to make it.
-“My love…”-
-“No!! We can still get there!!”-
-“Dixie María Fernández! Pull over, please”-
She takes a deep breath, lets it go, and pulls over on a quiet street. I call the competition to tell them I won’t be making it, and then slowly lower the phone. I’m afraid to look at her, it hurts when she’s this sad. Her sobbing pulls me back into reality.
-“I failed you…I’m so sorry”-she croaks while covering her face. I pull her to my chest as much as the uncomfortable position of the copilot allows me. My finger runs down her hair as she trembles, I don’t want to cry myself…but she is making it really hard.
-“You haven’t failed me, my love. You have done so much for me, for us. You work so hard to maintain us both…and I just skate and look pretty”-the guilt breaks my voice, and the walls I had been building. She pulls back and looks dead into my eyes.
-“You don’t just skate and look pretty! Never say that again! You…you inspired me. You have pushed me to improve myself and dare to dream! You’re more than just a beautiful skater…you are my best friend, and the love of my life”-
I open my mouth to reply but my words end up inside hers; she pulls me vehemently as we kiss. I don’t know how much time passes before we find ourselves in front of our favorite landscape. I don’t know what will the future bring…but I don’t care anymore. With her? I’ll be alright.

Hope you liked it!! Here are the latest podcast episodes:
Let's Connect Monday: https://anchor.fm/bellemoon99/episodes/Lets-Connect-Monday-42--Productive-procrastinating-eq4cei
Let's be Kind Thursday: https://anchor.fm/bellemoon99/episodes/Lets-be-Kind-Thursday-40---My-love-story-eq97k6
Thank you!!