Hello, Lovely Soul Drop! How are you feeling? I have been wanting to write about this for a long while, but I had allowed fear of rejection take over! Today, I decide to think, speak, and work for myself. I am not proud of being bisexual, and I don’t really understand the sense of being proud of something I am instead of something I do.
I love my culture and I love my country, but I don’t feel proud for it. Why? Because I was born here. I didn’t do anything to become Venezuelan or earn my culture, it’s as natural as having my two legs or my curly hair. I love who I am (most of the time), I love my curls, I love my brown skin, I love my almond shaped eyes…but I don’t feel pride for any of those things. I can only feel proud of what I work hard to obtain.

I don’t feel ashamed of my bisexuality, yet I don’t find it any different from being heterosexual. For a lot of people hearing “I’m proud of being heterosexual” sounds strange or downright “offensive”! Why though? If you can feel proud of being bisexual, homosexual, and so on…why is it different with heterosexuality? I see them as the same.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind if other people want to be proud of their sexuality, color, gender, or anything else. My philosophy is you do you. However, I find it illogical when people claim to fight for equality and then don’t treat terms that should stand on the same ground like they aren’t. I’m not proud of being a woman, but I’m not ashamed of it either.
If I didn’t earn it, I don’t see why should I be proud of that. I feel proud of many things: being an author, being a dancer, being a university student, being a singer, being an artist…I am a lot of things that make me proud. Yet, having two legs or being bisexual is the same thing for me. I’m just like any other human on Earth. Plus, sexuality isn’t something you choose.
I have been harassed by the LGBT community and their allies for expressing my thoughts on “not being proud of my sexuality” after all, this is Pride Month, right? As much as I don’t react with fervor during my country’s independence day…I don’t react with things dedicated to parts of me that are as natural as my curly hair.
Do I condemn anyone celebrating or feeling proud? Not at all! I find it to be a very positive attitude as long as you don’t claim superiority above anyone else. I just wished to share my perspective. I found out that there are more people like me who don’t need a clan to belong to. I was never about cliques. I hang with people I like without any rules or sense of “this is my group”. I’m this way, and I don’t think is wrong.
If you are LGBT and don’t get riled up during this month, I think you’re as valid as those parading with flags and hashtags. If you don’t go crazy during women’s day or men’s day (although this one doesn’t get as much attention as I personally would like to) then that’s alright. You be you. Embrace your own definition of pride and hold close those things that make you proud. Understand that each mind is a world you know nothing about.
I will publish my thoughts on Pride month and the LGBT community right now to take advantage of the publicity, that’s what most companies showing support are doing (Unless there's proof they are actually more than words and a rainbow). Marketing. Which isn’t wrong! I just wanted to put that thought out there.
Thank you so much for reading!
Podcast episodes:
Let’s Connect Monday: https://anchor.fm/bellemoon99/episodes/Lets-Connect-Monday-50---Truly-free-ev6lto
Let’s be Kind Thursday: https://anchor.fm/bellemoon99/episodes/Lets-be-Kind-Thursday-52--Wise-time-spending-e124blr
Thank you for being so honest, you make a lot of sense on what you're saying.