All these dates are bathed in a rain of hypocrisy and remorse. Even though I wish to believe most mothers are kind and deserving of the love profesed on these holidays, some are horrid mothers. Not everyone who gives birth is deserving of respect or praise. Sadly, some mothers are cruel, abusive, and experts on guilt tripping anyone who might disagree.
My mother is amazing, and each Mother's Day I remind myself I am lucky. My mom loves me, and she has done everything in her power to make me feel loved and safe. I could have had a terrible mother, one that pushes me and manipulates me only to use the "I'm your mother" excuse.
Today everyone celebrates the good mothers, and I'm happy about that. However, if you are the child of an abusive mother, don't have one, or you simply don't feel like celebrating is a toast for you.
Family matters are complicated, and we should never judge. So today, don't feel shame If Mother's Day doesn't fill you with happiness or gratitude. If it does, then be glad this is the case! We should never take for granted people who love us and take care of us.
I hope you heal if you need to, and enjoy if you can. I believe in you. You deserve kindness.
Thank you for reading!
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