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Our fight

Writer's picture: BelBel

Hello, Lovely Soul Drop! Today I write my last blog post of the month, and what a month it was.

I have always wanted to live in a place where I can mind my own business. I wanted to be free to do as I pleased, as long as I respected others. However, instead of a more tolerant world, we have ended up with a divisive society. Instead of less labeling people to fit into boxes, we have more. Instead of live and let live, we have live as long as you agree with me.

What happened with breaking stereotypes? What happened with love and acceptance? I’m an empath. I feel for everyone, not just for those who the narrative tells me I should care about. I care about those biological women who feel left out of their sports and don’t wish to see male genitalia in their sex-segregated spaces. I care about those teenagers who hate their bodies, and the doctors offer transition as a magical cure. I’m concerned about the actual trans people who need medical assistance given to others without a proper diagnosis.

I could never agree with phrases such as No white LGBT people allowed, All policemen are evil, and so on. I can’t be on board with people wanting to have special rights above others. I supported the LGBT movement to be treated like everyone else, not to be seen as special. This movement was born out of love, not division. We all fell under the rainbow flag. Why change it?

I understand the need to understand yourself by using labels. I comprehend feeling insecure. Yet, the more radical activists push society to bend the knee and comply…the less support we have. No one wants to spend their lives walking on eggshells. We fought not to be told we were evil for things we couldn’t change. Why do the same to others?

Twitter isn’t real life. Most people want to live in peace. We want to be respected, and that means we must respect others. I don’t like religion, but I would never ban it or stop someone from practicing it. No one cares about your sexuality or your kinks. We don’t want to know how masculine and feminine you are. We care about your values, your dreams, and your passions.

Nowadays, you have to believe people and disregard facts. Those who claim to be progressives are only walking backward. Diversity is forced into shows with awful outcomes no one enjoys. You are attacked for thinking differently.

We fought to know lesbians have a right NOT to like male genitalia (same for gays). We fought so we were able to do what we wanted as women or men outside of gender roles, not to create more labels. We wanted others to understand our sexuality is not a choice or a lifestyle. Transsexuals proved dysphoria is an actual medical condition to get help, and now we want to erase the importance of sex differences. We just wished to be seen as anyone else.

Today my voice goes to all of those who don’t feel represented by the LGBT anymore. You’re not alone. Smile and hold your chin up. They will try to shut me up, but I won’t give in. Little by little, you will find more people who truly support you, and not when it’s convenient. People who care more about your acts than your tweets. People who care about who you are as a human, and not as a label.

Be brave, be proud, be yourself, Lovely Soul Drop.

Thank you for reading!

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