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Writer: BelBel

Hello, lovely Soul Drop! How are you feeling? January is over and February is halfway through! As usual, I feel exhausted due to my trimester at the university.

When I'm lacking energy like this I tend to forget what was important for me, I become more sensitive, less tolerant, and more chaotic in general. Worry not! I've come to terms with the way my body works.

Instead of trying to keep up with my initial routine I slowly adapt to how much energy is left. For example, instead of doing many activities on Sunday I allow myself to sleep as much as I want. Maybe it feels like I'm taking a step back instead of taking one forward but without this flexibility I'm bound to break.

Do you feel like your battery is draining too? Follow this 3 simple steps.

1. Listen to your body so you understand what do you truly need.

2. Thank yourself for everything you have done so far! Give yourself that well deserved pat in the back even if it is just for getting up this morning.

3. Allow yourself to relax and let go. Have your day of walking around in your pajamas, to lie down and do what you feel the best doing. This will help you to be more efficient!

I hope this has helped at least a bit!

With much love,



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