Hello, lovely Soul Drop!! I'm so glad we communicate through writing and reading because today I had no voice and I couldn't speak the whole day!
I discovered a few things today: first I'm not good at making hand gestures and my husband is awful at understanding them. Second : I convey so much with my eyes and facial expressions they helped me today and Third: Communication can be both very hard and very easy at the same time...okay let me explain that, all of that (Trying to talk about communication without being able to communicate properly, why am I like this hehe)
What I'm trying to say is that our relationships are based on communication and sometimes there are obstacles which stop us from properly communicating. Sometimes it's a sore throat and sometimes is not knowing how to express our message. So I'll give you a little advice to improve your relationships.
Learn each other's language! I don't mean this literally (though if you don't speak the same language then yes...learn it literally) by this I mean every person has a way of understanding the world and depending on how you talk to them it will determine whether they understand or not.
My mother is someone who thinks straight to the point and likes it when people are concise so when I talk to her I'm careful of leaving out unnecessary details out so she can better understand me.
My husband on the other hand likes a lot of details but needs the idea to be clearly stated oooor he will entirely lose the point.
My best friend on the other hand is very keen at getting the underlying message of things! So she makes sense of what I say easily.
Who are you trying to communicate with? How do they view the world? Maybe ask them directly might help!
Hope this helped!
With much love,