This is the Inktober Challenge #4! (ghost, ancient, dizzy, tasty, dark, coat and ride) Have fun!
The festival arrived to town a few days ago. People were excited. Finally something different to break the excruciatingly boring routine of our miserable lives. Obviously, I wasn't looking forward to attend to a place filled with noisy crowds, too many smells and blinding lights but here I am doing just that.
My eyes dart to detail her face, the reason I was dragged here in the first place. This loud, messy and unbearably cute ginger head invited me over and somehow I was unable to refuse. Her freckled nose and cheeks acquired a rosy tone due to the cold breeze which kept messing with the lose hairs of her braid.
-"Isn't this super fun?! Let's get something tasty, shall we?"-she merrily asked and I just nodded following her to the cotton candy stand. The sweet scent hit my nose making me dizzy, I don't need to get on any of the rides to feel like I just stepped out of a boat rocked by a tempest. But there again, when I am besides her I always feel like the floor was replaced by undulating waves, she is the most thrilling ride around here.
-"Look at that place! It looks like a haunted house, let's go!"-her enthusiastic proposal makes me jump which in consequence causes her to laugh. I feel the blood rise quickly to my cheeks, I can imagine I look as red as a stop sign because she won't stop teasing me. Secretly, I'm hoping she never stops.
-"Seems interesting, let's go"-
As we get closer I realize this is unnervingly alone and distant from the rest of the festival. The logical thing to do would be to turn away and run, but that's never what we do, do we? The thrill of the adventure, the alluring spell of the unknown or maybe my suicidal tendencies keep me moving forward. She hurries inside and as she looks around she realizes no one is there. It's silent. Too silent.
-"I don't like this, let's go"-she says in one of those whiny tones I truly dislike of her. I roll my eyes before turning away. Suddenly a shriek freezes me in place. I quickly spin to face her finding only black. I step forward cautiously, she seems to have fallen into a dark place. I can't...I can't leave her behind. I jump hoping is not too deep. Luckily I land safely. I call for her name but hear no reply, I start to walk through the darkness using my hand to guide myself.
-"I'm sorry!! I'm sorry!!"-
There's a flickering light ahead, I rush to it trying to save her. I'm not afraid of ghosts...I wasn't afraid then but now I...I didn't save the day, I didn't save her, we didn't have an amazing adventure. Our corpses were left to rot in this ancient cemetery. The people left, the festival left and our families were left to wonder what had happened.

Hope you liked it!
With much love, Bel.