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The happiest girl in town

Writer's picture: BelBel

Hello, Lovely Soul Drop! Today I felt like sharing my first attempt to write a dystopian short story. I hope you find it thought provoking!


HAPPINESS. EQUALITY. DIVERSITY. I read those words like thousands of times before. They are written everywhere. I have lived in the happiest town ever for seventeen years now. Just like my two mothers, I’m a bright gleeful girl that loves equality and diversity. Glitter! I’m late! I can’t be late today; I’ll be the new student’s guide!

-“Woah, Bea! Are you happy?”-officer Clark asks me.

-“Yes, officer! I’m very happy. Are you happy?”-

-“Yes, Bea. Thank you for being so nice! I heard the new gay student arrived this week”-

I’m going to be late; I have no time for small talk. That’s what I would think if I didn’t live in the happiest place that has ever existed.

-“Yes! Jamie had to move out of town, so he is replacing him. I guided our new straight student last week, and this week I will guide Louis”-

-“Diverse! I love talking to you. I must keep patrolling, we had to capture someone who was truly unhappy the other morning. Remember to take your uplifter if you’re unhappy! Have a happy day!”-he waves as I smile and walk away. Despite my initial inner turmoil, the happymometer didn’t pick up distress signals from me. Thanks the sparkle! I would have been detained for my meditation and uplifting intervention.

The bright colors of my school welcome me once more. My eyes scan my surroundings; the smiles are dancing in everyone’s lips. Suddenly, I feel my heart skip a beat. Is that…dark? Oh, maybe! That’s the new student.

-“Happy day, friend!”-I greet him as anyone sane would do. His eyes fixate on mine; they seem like two bottomless pits. I have never seen a gaze like his before…why am I excited? Should I report him? Come on, Beatrice. You’re the happiest student in town! I can’t report him over a simple first impression, or the fact that he’s not wearing the appropriate dress code.

-“Hello, I’m Louis Red. You’re not going to report me, are you?”-

-“Why, of course not! My name is Beatrice Owens, everyone calls me Bea! Though, you might want to change into some more appropriate clothes”-I gift him my brightest smile, like anyone sane, would-“Let’s begin your tour!”-

-“What…agh!”-he tried to reply something unpleasant because the nicer just stung him.

-“You’re wearing a nicer? You have been detained by the happy patrol then!”-

-“Yes, I have. They said I had to wear the nicer for a whole year. If I’m lucky, my tongue won’t fall off”-he sticks his tongue out and honestly smiles for the first time. I thought he was unable to smile at all!

-“Well, no time to gain! I’ll happily show you around. This is the meditation room where teachers send you if their happymometers go off! So equal, right? Each classroom has an even number of students, so no one is left without a partner in our friendship bonding activities. As you already know, no student is graded! Here is the gaming room!”-I signal the crowded place.

-“Wait, so you have a room only for videogames?”-

-“The best quality ones! Some students spend their whole days there. I wish I could…oh, no! My life is perfectly happy”-I quickly correct myself-“This school is the happiest, most equal, and most diverse! I’m so glad your school was shut down, and the light guards did their job with those teachers”-

-“How could y…agh!”-he flinches as the nicer works on him. Why is my brow hurting? I think I’m frowning! Breathe, Beatrice. You’re the happiest girl in town! Obviously, I’m not frowning.

We continued our tour until the very happy end.

-“Any questions?”-

-“Aren’t you afraid of me?”-


-“You do know what being afraid is, right?”-

-“Of course! It’s that feeling humans had in ancient times. No one is afraid now! The light guards protect us from anything and anyone bad. Besides, we have our safers! I heard that you didn’t have them installed, but you do now, right?”-

-“Those, agh! Those things that know all of your fears? Why would that be good?”-

-“I…they protect us! That’s why they are called safers. They keep us safe from all harm!”-I smile the brightest smile I can curve-“If I were to encounter a spider, the safer would disintegrate it before my eyes! If I were to fall, the safer would catch me! The light guards eliminate anyone who has malicious brainwaves, so I’m completely safe. If you were dangerous, they wouldn’t allow you to exist!”-I know these words will cheer him up. He looks away from me, the dark voids in his face staring at a wall.

-“I knew you wouldn’t get it”-

-“Maybe you need your uplifter?”-

His reply comes as a flinch and a grunt. I don’t understand him at all!

-“I really want to help you, tell me how! I would do anything to see you smile again”-

-“You want to make me happy? Truly happy?”-

-“Yes! Please”-

-“Alright, then! Come spend a day with me, we will leave school. No one will suspect you; you’re the happiest girl in town. Right?”-he offers me his hand, this time he’s smiling again.

His eyes seem so beautiful now, like a sky that has just cleared up after being dark and cloudy. Without thinking much, I just nod taking his hand. We walk out of the school calmly. He is right, no one asked me anything. They trust me. Well, they trust everyone! I’m not anything special. We are all equal around here.

-“Now that we’re out, what do you want to do?”-I ask him realizing I feel excited. He doesn’t reply and starts walking away from our school. He abruptly stops as the light guards appear with their neon flashing bodies. With a blast of light, the woman who was running and screaming is reduced to ashes. He gags and turns his head away. I hold him up worried, is he sick? Should I take him to a healer?

-“How are you so calm?”-he whispers straightening his back.

-“What do you mean? Why wouldn’t I be?”-

He takes deep breaths. After a long silence, he turns his handsome face back at me.

-“What do you like to do?”-he asks, looking at me with his deep grey eyes.

-“Play videogames, dance in the virtual room, the positive hour!”-

-“What if we go for a run together?”-

-“Equal! In which virtual room?”-

-“I know a place, but you must keep it a secret”-he smiles at me. After a long time walking, we’re in an abandoned house I have never seen before. I wonder why the light guards haven’t eliminated it yet! As we step inside, I feel a shiver down my spine-“Scared?”-he smiles sweetly. I nod quickly.

-“We should leave!”-

-“Trust me, Bea. You wanted to make me happy, right?”-

Taking a deep breath, I follow him through the halls of the house. He guides me in a maddening silence until we reach a door. He smiles back at me before opening the door. My eyes widen as we enter a gorgeous forest. The simulation must be so high quality that I can feel fresh air entering my lungs. He laughs and runs into the trees. Should I follow him?

-“Come, Bea!”-he calls for me while waving his arms. I can’t stop myself from laughing and going after him. We run together, dance, I feel so free! Finally, we drop on the grass giggling, like we are taught to do.

-“This simulation is super diverse!”-

-“This isn’t a simulation, Bea. This is one of the last forests that still exist. Everything here is real! I know it might seem scary, but what you’re feeling right now is way better than what an uplifter could do for you! Here you can scream, shout, even curse if you want! You’re truly free. The light guards have ignored it. I wish more people could enjoy this with me. I felt genuine concern from your eyes when we met; you were truly worried about me. You didn’t want to force me like all the others. You know why I haven’t been eliminated yet? My mother is the leader of the Happy Ministry. Well, she was”-his eyes become glassy just as tears begin to roll down his cheeks. I have never seen anyone cry because they are sad…what should I do? He suddenly pulls me into his chest, giving me the warmest, most sincere hug I have ever felt. I allow myself to melt into the hug, I feel…at home. How could this be?

-“For some reason, you make me feel like I can truly trust you. This place…I hope the light guards never find it. Oh! Sorry, I wished for something”-

-“Please, wish for more! Dream! Scream if you want! I could never judge you or report you for any of that”-he laughs, the salty river continues to flow out of his soul.

-“Are you still unhappy?”-

-“Happy, unhappy, what do they mean anymore? I’m just glad we met! Thank you! Thank you!”-he shouts, which is something we’re not allowed to do. It might hurt someone’s feelings if we do. What is this that I’m feeling?

-“Thanks to you!!”-I shout back. I feel my heart beating faster and faster. Am I going to die?

-“You see?! IT FEELS GREAT!!”-


-“You know? I’m not really homosexual”-he suddenly whispers, looking down at his pale hands.

-“You’re not? Why did you lie about that?”-

-“The diversity rule. All the places for white people in your classroom were filled, so I had to lie. If not I could not have entered school”-

I hug him again. I understand that he was afraid he could not study with us. I really had no idea the diversity rule could actually harm anyone.

He smiles and motions for us to go back. Feeling happier than ever before, we both return to the main street. He walks me home while telling me fantastic stories. He’s definitely my new best friend! We’re going to have so much fun together!

-“Louis! Look at how the lights make my house seem to glow!”-I exclaim turning around to meet his beautiful grey eyes.


This can’t be happening.

This isn’t real.

Why was he smiling?

Only his ash could answer now.


I wrote this story taking the "woke" movement as inspiration. Everyone deserves to be treated with love, respect, and fairness. We should fight for equality of opportunities never for equality of outcome or we might end up in a true dystopia. What do you think about it?

Thanks for reading!

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Endings hurt:


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