Hello, Lovely Soul Drop!! It’s been a while since I last shared a story so I decided to write one right now. Hope you enjoy it! Warning, it’s spooky, or at least I tried for it to be!
The flickering light brings the lonely street back to life for a brief second, and then it dies off as the wind bites at my cheeks. Why am I even here? The cloth of my sweater feels too heavy on my shoulders. Silence tries to warn me in vain of my current situation. I’m sure I’m going to die.
It all began a month ago when a letter arrived at my door like a dark omen. The crows croaked as my fingers clutched the paper, almost tearing it apart. There was no signature or any other data to indicate who had sent it. I didn’t need any.
- “So you finally come back, demon”-the words that rolled off my tongue were charged with venom. Trying to hear myself over the pounding of my heart, my eyes danced through the carefully scribbled lines. It was from her. Come on, why are you surprised? Of course, it’s her. I had been a fool to hope otherwise.
The following days were nightmarish. Anxiety kept me up at night while depression chained me to the bed during the day. The burning sensation of acid going up my throat returned like an old friend, one who would gladly stab me in the back that is. Her words kept circling my mind almost drilling holes in it. I felt my sanity gently slipping away without a farewell kiss.
Maybe I could avoid her, maybe I could hide, and maybe this was all a bad dream. The letter hung in the mirror as a painful reminder of my prison. I tried staying at a hotel, but every time I turned I could see her burning holes into my back with her amber gaze. Her image appeared on every surface, and her voice whispered into my ear as I curled up in bed. No amount of luxury could calm my nerves.
The face of my lover came to mind one morning, I felt like I was back in those rosy days. Oh, what a naïve idiot. Happiness is a petty mistress, and she doesn’t like to stay long. Rose turned crimson as my lover’s life liquid decorated the walls. I moved out of that house filled with a thousand memories before I drowned in my tears. I couldn’t stop hearing that sickening crack over and over. No matter how hard I tried.
At last, I gave up and sat down in front of the mirror. Like all of the others in the house, it’s covered with a black cloth. Why did I ever think this was worth it? My eyes stumbled on the portraits of my galas, and they scanned the posters of my movies through a curtain of tears. Fame, love, power, I had them all.
It took me a second to realize the wailing I was hearing was my own. My whole body shook, but I accepted this as my fate. I took the bus I took that day. The passing houses look like flashing ghosts. Finally, the vehicle came to a gentle stop. My shaking body walked by stores and restaurants in a haze. I’m here again. After ten long years. My mistake has come to bite off a piece of me.
- “You’re here”-her silky voice breaks the silence of the night. I can’t see her face, but I know her lips are twisted in a smile too wide for her head.
- “Do you have to do it?”-
- “A deal is a deal. You accomplished your goal thanks to me, and now you must pay the price we agreed on”-the moon makes the blade glimmer under the starless sky.
I don’t really remember what happened next. I guess we had a struggle. When my eyes opened back up I was bathed in red. Her featureless corpse lay beside me. I stand up slowly and check myself for wounds. My feet slowly carry me home. A trembling hand pulls the cloth away, finding my reflection has features again. This isn’t my face, not even close, but it’s better to have one…that none at all. I just wish I didn’t have to look at her face each time I face the mirror.
This is it!! I wrote without stopping and allowed my creativity to flow. How was it? What did it make you feel? What do you think is the story behind it? I hope to make more little experiments like this one. For now, take care!
Much love,
Belle Moon.
Podcast episodes:
Let’s Connect Monday:
Let’s be Kind Thursday: