Hello, lovely Soul Drop!
What a day! I spent my morning and afternoon running around greeting and tending to people at my university. It was super hectic but thankfully my husband was there to support me. I was so excited to see him; I entirely forgot I was “supposed” to be mad at him. It turns out bottling up feelings is one of the worst things you can do to yourself and anyone you love.
I thought to get angry at someone I love meant I didn’t love them as much anymore, I should stay happy and loving at all times so my beloved ones will be well. Without realizing it I became a walking volcano ready to erupt at any second. Instead of actually letting out some of that contained anger like steam in a pot I let it accumulate and turn it into something waaay more dangerous.

I know how scary it is to lose people you love but holding our tongue every single time and avoid arguing excessively just leads to more trouble. So if I were to give you some advice today then I would tell you…let it out.
Now, don’t just throw out your emotions like a dragon erupting fire at your friend, colleague, family member or partner. Let it out but let it out nicely! Is not what you say but how you say it so remember to speak from your heart with your love for them in mind and not scream in your anger. Be honest! Tell them what’s bothering you, what made you feel hurt.

The MOST important thing is to show them your hurt more than anything; we get angry when we feel hurt or threatened so if that was the case we must explain why. This will cause the other to consider what happened and probably explain that they didn’t mean to hurt you! This will solve the conflict in a peaceful way without you just trying to hold back your anger turning it into resentment.
If someone talks to you about their feelings gets mad at you and shows you why then that person actually cares about you enough to be angry. No one gets mad at things or people they don’t care about so don’t think they don’t love you. They do! But we are humans and we are bound to misunderstand each other and hurt each other accidentally.
Of course, if someone is constantly hurting you then get away from them! There’s no excuse for someone whom you show your feelings and they don’t care about them anyway! Toxic people aren’t worth it. We’ll talk about that kind of people some other day!
Today I hope I helped you a bit! My anger sure taught me something, we can learn from any emotion.
Thank you for reading!
With much love, Bel.