Hello, Lovely Soul Drop !! How are you?? I'm super excited because I have learned a lot during this quarantine. Which got me thinking, how can I feel closer to my loved ones and learn better?
Learning is emotional! We learn better and faster those things that make us feel curious, happy, or maybe excited ! Anything can spark our curiosity if we pay close attention. Another thing that can help us learn or at least stay motivated is to do it with someone we love, a partner, or a group of friends!
See where I'm getting at? Probably yes! If not, no worries, I'll explain. This is the perfect time to learn something you have always wanted to learn! There's always something. So why not team up with your partner or a group of friends? You can inspire each other to keep up with the practice, to study, and to share what you've learned. Thanks to technology there are ways to even make a drawing together without being physically there!
What do you want to learn? I challenge you to take your time to learn and then share it with the hashtag "QuarantineLearning" ! and if someone helped you or motivated you, tag them. I'll be posting mine next Sunday!
Thank you so much for reading!
With much love,