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A feel good story for winter

Writer's picture: BelBel

Hello, Lovely Soul Drop!! I'm so sorry it's been so long since I last wrote here. I was a mess, and I had stopped writing almost entirely. I want to get back to creating short stories, so I decided to create a warm story for all of you. I truly hope you enjoy it!! Merry Christmas, Blessed Yule, and Happy Holidays!!

The crying of the wind mixes with the rustling of the branches. A white blanket covers the town as the horizon hides behind ice shards carried by the storm.

Hunting is an impossible goal at the moment. No one should be wandering around the woods, yet a strange figure appears as a black candle among the white chaos.

Laughter and music come out from the houses. The windows allow the warm light of their fireplaces to escape outside. Clara is mesmerized by the wild beauty of nature. Mystifying, and yet terrifying.

-"Clara, come back to the table, sweetheart"- the older sister calls to the young woman.

-"Nina! There's someone outside. They might need help!"-she hurries to the door to grab her snow boots and coat.

-"They could be someone dangerous. Leave them be, there must be a reason for them to be out"-

-"I'm sorry, Ni, I have to help"-Clara whispers; closing the door behind her. The storm gnaws at her bare face as she tries to reach the dark figure.

She knows her siblings won't come after her. Despite the wind pushing against her slim body, she keeps moving forward with the thought of someone being alone tonight too heavy to bear.

After what feels like ages, the strange figure takes a human shape. Clara's first attempt to speak fails, and so does the second. At last, her voice breaks through the storm towards the man.

-"Sir!! Are you alright?! Do you need help?!"-

That's when she notices the man is missing one of his eyes. His scarred face is not exactly the epitome of a friendly face. The initial shock is replaced by worry.

-"Young lady, what are you doing out in the storm? You could get hurt. Let me guide you home"-

-"It is dangerous! That's why you shouldn't be out here either!"-

His eye widens for a brief moment. The two of them froze in place. His cavernous laughter erupts easily heard even within the storm.

-"Thank you, I'm looking for a special flower that blooms around here. I…have my ways of getting by. Please, allow me to return you home"-

-"So you DO need help! What does the flower look like? I know these woods like the back of my palm"-

A heavy sigh of resignation and a warm smile are the first replies she gets. Her body isn't half as cold as it should be, and this doesn't go unnoticed by the old archer.

-"It's bright purple. It should stand out in the snow…I can protect you, but you won't like how"-his husky voice is full of sadness.

-"Unless you're planning on carrying me like a sack of potatoes then I don't have an issue with your methods"-

Two flames come to life on the palms of the old man. Clara gasps and stares at the fire's hypnotic dance. Her innocent smile melts the pain in his heart.

-"You're magical!!"-she chirps like a small kid.

-"That's a way of putting it. Come on, we shouldn't stay here"-

Together the two walk between the aged trees. The twisted trunks seem to be bowing down at the pair. Their eyes scan the snow as best as they can searching for the purple blossom.

Whenever he stumbles she prompts him up with her arms careful not to burn herself with the fire he creates. The shaking of his limbs make her think he could be as old as the trees around them. Her heart shrinks with each painful fall of the man she so desperately wants to help.

-"There it is!!"-a triumphant scream comes out of the exhausted young woman. Her companion is even more fatigued, yet he never complains throughout the way.

She kneels next to the purple flower and looks up at the archer. He kneels beside her and starts working to take it. The gentleness of his big rough hands brings a smile to her chipped lips. Under his breath, he mumbles a prayer, a thank you, and an apology.

-"You helped me get the flower, now I must help you return home"-

-"What's the flower for? If I may know"-Clara doesn't like to pry, but her curiosity gets the best of her.

-"I need to create a medicine for my daughter"-he explains, a shadow covering his face.

-"May I…go help?"-

-"I felt you might ask me that. Please keep the flower as I guide us back to my home. I'm sure Ella and Robin will be happy to meet you"-his sad smile is full of sweetness.

The archer uses his powers to create a safe path for the two. The howling of wolves mixes with the distant hoots of owls. Clara's legs beg for mercy, but she refuses to stop or to complain out loud. Her pained expression gives away her true state.

-"Would you like me to carry you?"-

-"That won't be helpful. I will slow you down, and you won't be able to use your power properly. I can keep going"-the strength of the old man inspires her to push past the pain.

He replies by nodding once. The pair continues to wander underneath the dark starry blanket. As they both struggle to carry their fatigued bodies, a song comes to her lips.

The storm seems to quiet down just to hear the clear voice coming from the young woman's heart. A serene melody inundates the sharp night air. Their steps land with more confidence on the deep snow. Music's tender arms carry them both until a small cabin comes into sight.

-"Daddy!!! Daddy!!!" -a shrill voice pierces the song. A girl runs to them wearing mismatched shoes and gloves, her hair is messy and she pants as she gets to them. The archer picks her up his eyes glowing with absolute love for the small human.

-"Robin! It's too cold, you don't want to get sick like Ella. Do you?"-he attempts to sound severe, but still the adoration for her slips right through.

-"Oh! Hello! Who are you, miss?"-Robin looks at Clara with wide curious eyes.

-"I'm a friend. My name is Clara"-

-"Nice to meet you, Miss Clara. Would you like tea and cookies? We baked them ourselves!"-the girl drags her inside.

A cozy ambiance welcomes them inside the cabin. A small girl peeks at them from behind a door. Her steps are hesitant, too slow for her age.

-"Ella! Daddy told you not to get out of bed"-Robin runs to her side and picks her up.

-"How are you feeling, my little flower? I brought something that will help you"-

-"A new friend?"-she looks up at Clara.

-"That's a someone, not a something, silly"-Robin complains making their father laugh and Clara laugh.

-"Hello, Ella, I'm happy to meet you both"-

While the archer works on the medicine Clara sits down with the girls and tells them stories.

-"I see you're having fun"-he smiles and gives Ella the medicine mixed with her cookies. He offers his guest a cup of tea.

-"Thank you! This smells delicious"-

-"You also smell pretty"-Ella comments making them laugh.

-"Thanks, Ella"-the feeling of warmth in her chest is something she had already forgotten.

After the girls fall asleep the archer sits by the fireplace with Clara.

-"Thank you so much for your help tonight"-

-"You helped me too…I wasn't feeling great back at home. My siblings are always fighting with each other and my mother only fuels their battles. I wish we could just sing like we did when father was alive. Have a good time together instead of trying to compete unnecessarily for a love we never should have fought for…oh! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to ramble"-

-"It's alright. I understand…my wife had a family like that. She passed away when Ella was born, and Robin and I still miss her terribly"-

-"I think she would be proud of you, you're a great father"-

-"That means a lot to me, thank you"-

-"Is it alright if I come to visit more often? "-

-"We would love that. When Ella feels better you will see how great of a dancer she is! We can all fish together when spring comes. I know I'm far too old to be their father…and they will be left alone too young"-

-"I'll make sure they are not alone! I'll be their big sister. Don't worry about anything"-

The crackling of the fire relaxes the two tired souls who found a new chance of a family with each other.


Thank you so much for reading!! Please do like, share, and comment. I wish the very best for you and your loved ones!!

With much love,



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