Hello, lovely Soul Drop! How are you feeling? ...Seriously, how are you feeling? I don't ask this question just to be polite, I really do care about your emotions and what's going on in your life. I also ask this question so when you answer mentally, you'll have to think about it.
We are told we should listen as twice as we speak, that listening to others is not only polite but crucial to our relationships to prosper...but do we listen enough? Do you listen to others or do you just hear what they say? Most importantly, do you listen to yourself?

In my case? I don't listen enough to myself...or to others. Right now I have a strong headache because I forgot, once again, to drink water. I ignored my body's signal to drink water and quickly got dehydrated. Sometimes I not only ignore physical signals, I also forget to listen to the words I say to others...the words I say to myself. Listen to yourself!
What do you feel? What do you need? What do people around you are trying to tell you? What do they feel? Become aware of the music of the world.
Next time you talk to someone try to listen to what they are really saying, what do they want? What can you learn from them? And when you reply, choose carefully your words, listen to your tone of voice and listen to your body as well. You'll find out talking with people turns out to be way more fun than you ever imagined, also, way more fulfilling.
Take a deep breath, right now. Feel your body, examine your mind for a little bit, don't judge anything...just see what you can find. The more you listen to yourself and to others the more effective your interactions with yourself and others will be.
With much love,