My grandfather is a wise man who has always taken good care of me. He might be old but I firmly believe his soul is still young! I admire him and when I feel like I'm in trouble or I just need a safe place I go to him.
Today is one of those days...
Woke up extremely exhausted and feeling unmotivated. Even though it's Sunday I forgot to turn my alarm off again and had to get up, once I'm awake not even Morpheus himself will make me go to sleep!
I now stand in front of my grandfather's door waiting for him to open up. He calmly unlocks the two or three locks he has inside and pulls open the door to let me in.

-"Jay! I'm so glad to see you, my favorite grandson!"- his blue eyes seem like a clear sky, their gaze calms me down.
-"I'm your only grandson!"-I point out jokingly as I come inside.
-"I guess you should be grateful you have no competition then! Maybe you wouldn't be the favorite otherwise"-he jokes back closing the door behind him.
-"Probably not..."-I add in a whisper placing my hands inside my hoodie.
-"Now, I doubt you came to verify if you were still the favorite grandson. What's up?"-he casually asks starting to prepare a cup of Earl Grey as he does everytime I come to visit.
-"I don't know, grandpa! I'm such a mess...nothing I've tried this last three weeks has turned the way I wanted them to. I feel like my life is falling apart! I'm falling apart..."-I exclaim sitting down on his couch.
-"Remember is not the end of the world, dear flower. You just need patience, a little water and sun and lots of care"-his voice is paused and so are his movements. We share a comfortable silence as the tea is ready, he hands me the cup and sits down with one for himself.
-"Wait, did you call me flower?"-I ask a bit amused by the new nickname. He has called me many things before but never flower!
-"I most certainly did! We are flowers, or we better be"-
-" know I don't get it, right? Why are we flowers?"-I sip my tea and look down at the black substance waving inside my tea cup.
-"Come, I'll show you"-he stands up after the third attempt and walks to the small graden he planted himself. It's filled with all sorts of flowers, he truly loves them so I guess it's not an insult at all.

-"What do flowers need to grow?"-he asks as his gaze lovingly explores each specimen.
-"Um.... sunlight, dirt and water"-I reply remembering what he has taught me.
-"Only that?"-he looks at me with a warm smile inviting me to continue.
-"Well...they need that you look after them, talk to them and take care of their needs"-
-"Exactly, aren't you exactly the same? You need communication, sunlight, water, time to take care of yourself and slowly grow. People just like flowers come in all shapes and colours, they all need the same to grow but in different amounts and grow at different paces! Flowers grow even in war zones, they are strong and at the same time fragile. You, my beloved Jay, are a flower. So please, give yourself time! Take care of yourself, drink lots of water and spend time outside bathing under the sunlight. You'll see how your life stops falling apart and starts building itself"-he hugs me tightly making me smile and cry a bit.
-"What's your favorite flower, Grandpa?"-I ask wiping my tears with a timid smile.
-"Oh, that's a tough question! All of them have something unique and beautiful about them. Sunflowers always search the light and orchids represent death as a beautiful thing but...I guess roses are my true favorite ones. Because they have thorns and yet they are breathtakingly beautiful! They can represent friendship, passion and also peace. I guess... they are just like you"-he smiles bright.
-"...I guess they are just like you"-I repeat my grandfather's words to my daughter. He died many years ago but his lessons never did, he's still alive within my heart.
-"I love being a flower!! I love you dad"-she cheers and hugs me tight.
-"I love you too, Rose"-
