Cats are mysterious wonderful beings that are most of the time happy and know how to practice Zen wonderfully. Have you ever wondered how to be so chill and glad about life like they are? Wonder no more! Learn right now with these 3 simple steps:

Step 1: Tend to your needs. This might seem silly but forgetting to eat properly, sleep the right amount of hours,to take some time to relax and have fun is way easier than it should be. So if you wish to be as happy as a cat pay attention to your basic needs and adjust your daily routine so they are a priority.
Step 2: Know who to pay attention to. Cats are extremely wise when it comes to choosing their friendships. They will only stay with that person who nurtures them and treats them properly. Be independent! Need time alone? Do that. Respect your boundaries and only pay attention to those who give your life that positive vibe you're after.
Step 3: Enjoy the little things. Have you listened how loud a cat purrs when you are petting them? Have you seen how happy they are playing with your shoelace? Or how happy they are for that one slice of ham? Next time you're with a loved one or doing something you like, enjoy it with all of your senses!
I hope these steps help you to become as happy as my cat is! Animals tend to be wise in a lot of things so observe them carefully and learn.
With much love,