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Love vitamins for the heart

Writer's picture: BelBel

Hi there, lovely Soul Drop! Okay so I'm a bit drugged at the moment with my sleeping pills but before falling asleep I wanted to share what I call the "love vitamins for the heart"! I sound so weird even to myself sometimes, I swear. Bear with me! This could be helpful for you! Or at least I hope so, the only reason I write is to help others.

Alright! So love vitamin #1: Respect yourself.

Love vitamins are things that will nurture your heart and also improve your relationships. Acting in a respectful way towards yourself is crucial to have healthy relationships. You don't feel like talking? That's alright, communicate that in a nice manner and the right people will stay. Whatever you might need then you should respect what your mind and body are asking you to give them! Whether it be time alone, to refresh yourself with an activity, take a break or maybe spend some quality time with a loved one.

Love vitamin #2: Invest your energy wisely.

Are you sure you want to fight that battle? Do you really want to focus on that problem? Stressing sucks our energy right out! So when you discuss with someone, when you have a problem or when you are stressing about something truly analyze the situation with a clear mind to see if it's worth spending your energy in that. Sometimes even when you have cooled down, maybe did some meditation and pondered the key points of the situation, you realize that you truly need to invest your energy in whatever is stressing you out, to solve it and to grow from it. But unless it's truly necessary then don't waste that precious energy!

Love vitamin #3: Have fun!

Laughter is such an amazing medicine! We often forget how important it is to spend some of our time in just relaxing and having fun with those who we love the most. Maybe watching videos that will make you laugh or reading a nice book! Whatever puts a smile on your face. You deserve it, dear!

So those are the love vitamins for today! If you guys enjoy these I might write more!

Hope it helped, see you soon!

With much love, Bel.


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