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Write to heal

Writer's picture: BelBel

Hello, Lovely Soul Drop!!

How are you feeling? I’m great! Thanks for wondering if you did. I’m a little tired, but I’m feeling happy. I have an amazing tool to help me stay sane regardless of what goes on around or inside me: writing.

Don’t worry! I’m not here from the authors cult trying to get new members to daydream, drink tons of coffee, and think of writing while you’re doing anything else. Today, I want to tell you about writing for healing! Everyone can do this, and it can help you find a healthy way to vent.

Writing isn’t always to be read. Sometimes, we just need to allow our thoughts and emotions flow out of our minds into the paper. When you feel everything is piling up inside you, that you’re overwhelmed, and the emotions are about to drown you…let them spill into the paper. Allow yourself to express your true thoughts, those that maybe you don’t feel comfortable sharing with anyone else. There’s a reason why journals are a common practice. When we write in them, we feel free to speak up, to yell, to cuss, and to despair shamelessly.

As an author, I tend to restrain myself too much when it comes to my creative flow. Delete, write, read, delete again, and so on. That’s why I also benefit from writing my emotions without restrictions. Letting go is vital for any artist that wishes to stay afloat. It’s like learning how to float, if you panic you sink. However, in my journal I can panic, sink, drown, and rebirth as much as I want. Writing for healing means to use the ink and paper as your allies to untangle, unravel, and vent that pent up energy.

Here are a few recommendations to start your practice:

o Find the right materials: Writing in paper and typing on your cellphone evoke distinct sensations. For my blogpost I prefer my laptop, for my journal I use notebooks with different colored pens, and for my venting (when I’m enraged, hurt, having a crisis) I use an app on my phone. Find the way you feel the most comfortable to write in. Experiment! Try until you feel you’re read!

o Make it a ritual: As humans we find comfort in routines. Rituals are habits which convey an emotional or spiritual sense to it. Take your favorite time of the day and write at that time daily. If you want to add music, candles, or your preferred beverage then that can make the experience even more relaxing.

o For emergencies: In case you’re having a crisis, try to have an app or notebook you can carry around (depending on what you like the best) so you can scribble or type anywhere you go. When I was about to break down crying in the school halls, I grabbed a notebook and wrote what I felt until I relaxed. It helped me survive.

o This is for you and for you only: Yes, your normal habits will get on your way. Maybe it doesn’t look as pretty or tidy as you’re used to. Maybe you dislike what you’re reading. If you want? You can burn that paper or erase what you type each time. You can share it or you can keep it; you can eat the paper if you want! (You can, but I don’t really think you should). This is for you, try to let go any outside expectations, and if you don’t like it then let it go. You’re not forced to do anything.

I hope this helps you as much as it has helped me, and if you think someone needs to read this please share it with them! Thank you so much for reading.

Podcast episodes:

Let’s Connect Monday (North Star) Why you should have one:

Let’s be Kind Thursday (Discipline) How you can be more disciplined:


Post: Blog2_Post
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